How To Play Spanish 21

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It’s Blackjack with a twist. Played with a Spanish deck (no ten’s), a hand of 21 has the potential for some cool bonus payouts.

How To Play Spanish 21

The Fun Is Back!
Uses Spanish Decks A-9, J, Q, K (no 10’s)

Player Blackjack

Always BEATS dealer’s Blackjack - pays 3/2

Player Total of 21

Always BEATS dealer’s total of 21, pays up to 3-1*

Bonus 21 Payoffs
5 Card 21 Pays 3-2
6 Card 21 Pays 2-1
7+ Card 21 Pays 3-1
6-7-8 Mixed Pays 3-2
6-7-8 Suited Pays 2-1
6-7-8 Spaded Pays 3-1
7-7-7 Mixed Pays 3-2
7-7-7 Suited Pays 2-1
7-7-7 Spaded Pays 3-1
Doubling voids Bonus 21 payoffs.
Not Paid on Double/Split Hands.

Pair Splitting

Player may split cards of equal value including ACES creating up to three hands - hitting and doubling of split hands including ACES - is allowed.

Double Down

Double once with 2 or More cards, on any total including after a split. NO Bonuses on doubled hands.

Double Down Rescue

After doubling if a player is dissatisfied with his non-busted hand, he may rescue (take back) the last DOUBLED portion of the bet, forfeiting half of the total wager.

Super Bonus

Player holds suited 7-7-7
Dealer upcard any 7
$5-24 Bet WINS $1000
$25+ Bet WINS $5000

Envy Bonus - All other betting players get $50.
NO side bet required.
Splitting/Doubling voids Super Bonus.

Match The Dealer

Five Big Payoffs!
Uses Spanish Decks A-9, J, Q, K (no 10’s)


In addition to the regular 21 bet, a player can bet that either or both of his first two cards will exactly match the dealer’s up card in rank. (For example: a four matches a four, a jack matches only a jack, a queen matches only a queen, etc.)

How To Play

The player makes a Match the Dealer wager by placing a bet in the Match the Dealer bet circle. In order to play Match the Dealer, the player must make a regular 21 bet.

Five Big Payoffs
1 Non-Suited Match Pays 4-1
2 Non-Suited Matches Pays 8-1
1 Suited Match Pays 9-1
1 Non-Suited & 1 Suited Match Pays 13-1
2 Suited Matches Pays 18-1