How To Play Four Card Poker®

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It’s you vs. the dealer. You get five cards to make your best four-card poker hand, the dealer gets six. Game on.

How To Play Four Card Poker®

In this game, you are playing against the dealer. You receive five cards to make your best four-card poker hand, and the dealer receives six cards to make his best four-card poker hand.

Ranking of Hands

Four-of-a-kind, straight flush, three-of-a-kind, flush, straight, two pair and a pair.

Player Vs. Dealer

Bet on the required ante spot to play against the dealer’s hand. The best four-card hand wins.

Players win all ties. If you bet on the ante wager and want to stay in the game after viewing your cards, you must make a play wager. The play wager has to be at least equal to the ante but may be up to three times the ante. It’s your four-card poker hand against the dealer’s four-card poker hand, and the best hand wins! The ante and play bets pay even money.

Automatic Bonuses

The top three hands in the game–four-of-a-kind, straight flush and three-of-a-kind–receive an automatic bonus payout on the ante bet. See table for payouts. Automatic Bonuses are paid even if the dealer has a better four-card hand.

Aces Up™

Players are allowed to play the Aces Up bet by itself. Bet on the Aces Up spot and win when you’re dealt a pair of aces or better. The Aces Up bonus is always paid even if the dealer has a better hand.